Saturday, November 30, 2019

Smegma In A Suit

Things are getting fouler by the moment with no end in sight. We have this guy, wannabe dick-tater, smegma in a suit, wandering across the globe being a total, complete degenerate mental cripple. I mean, this is mouldering crotch cheese dribbling some seriously putrescent poison onto the entire planet....

This calls for drastic measures. These "hearings" in the House are not anywhere near what needs to happen for reality-based folks to get a handle on shit, time for a corncob colonoscopy with ground glass suspended in a sewage lagoon slurry as a lubricant for the tattered remains of the rethuglikan party so as to put it out of our misery. Kentucky needs to step up and push Moscow Mitch into the sewage lagoon along with a whole pile of other dim bulbs in both the Senate and House from a wide variety of other states.

Then we can get onto the democraptic party and do the same, we need to exorcise the Hildebeast and all of her foul minions in order to prevent more damage to the world going forward.

However, first things first, demolish Smegma In A Suit before it lethally befouls the planet with its stench.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Trumpism delenda est

That oldie about ancient Carthage now has a modern application. It ain't just the scrofulous boor, it's the entire cult that needs to be destroyed in order for any hope of continuing this little experiment in self-governing our ancestors set up way back in the 1700's. The way they wrote the Constitution gives us the means and methods to correct any maladministration that may come upon our country and we need to exercise that power to its fullest extent in this situation.  We dumped rule by a "king" because of the way that he treated our ancestors, why the fuck should we put up with a wannabe pint-sized shitty businessman with delusions of adequacy in the here-and-now?

I'm not under any illusions that impeachment is possible, what with Moscow Mitch McTurtle sitting atop the Senate like some hateful rabid warthog spewing toxic vomit on anybody that has the temerity to even suggest that Der Trumpenfurher is anything but the finest, the most bigly, Dear Leader our benighted country deserves.

We can do much better going forward, Trumpism delenda est is the starting point and one of the keys to that future is in the hands of all of us that are registered Independents. We can crater the plans of all of the greedy fuckwads that were unleashed when the Supreme Court legalized outright bribery and corruption in our politics if we stand up and jam the STOP sign up their asses hard enough to cause so much internal bleeding that death is the only possible outcome.

What was that thing attributed to Ben Franklin when asked what they gave us.... "A Republic, if you can keep it."

Time for some housekeeping.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Some words of honor and wisdom from Major (retired) Danny Sjursen. I've been following his writings for a long time now and this one strikes home quite fucking well. I've no idea how to get in touch with him to  ask permission to repost it here but, somehow, I don't think he'd object.....

These ever-so-logical conclusions should dismay
even the most apathetic American...

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)

It is undoubtedly my favorite part of every wedding. That awkward, but strangely forthright moment when the preacher asks the crowd for any objections to the couple’s marriage. No one ever objects, of course, but it’s still a raw, if tense, moment. I just love it.

I suppose we had that ubiquitous ritual in mind back in 2007 when Keith – a close buddy and fellow officer – and I crafted our own plan of objection. The setting was Baghdad, Iraq, at the start of the “surge” and the climax of the bloody civil war the U.S. invasion had unleashed. Just twenty three years old and only eighteen months out of the academy, my clique of officers had already decided the war was a mess, shouldn’t have been fought, and couldn’t be won.

Me and Keith, though, were undoubtedly the most radical. We both just hated how our squadron’s colonel would hijack the memorial ceremonies held for dead troopers – including three of my own – and use the occasion of his inescapable speech to encourage we mourners to use the latest death as a reason to “rededicate ourselves to the mission and the people of Iraq.” The whole thing was as repulsive as it was repetitive.

So it was that after a particularly depressing ceremony, perhaps our squadron’s tenth or so, that we hatched our little defiant scheme. If (or when) one of us was killed, the other promised – and this was a time and place where promises are sacred – to object, stand up, and announce to the colonel and the crowd that we’d listen to no such bullshit at this particular ceremony, not this time. “Danny didn’t believe in this absurd mission for a minute, he wouldn’t want his death to rededicate us to anything,” Keith would have said! Luckily it never came to that. We both survived, Keith left the army soon after, and I, well, toiled along until something snapped and I chose the road of public dissent. Still, I believe either of us would have actually done it – even if it did mean the end of our respective careers. That’s called brotherhood…and love.

I got to thinking on that when I read a story this week which was both disturbing, refreshing, and sickening all at the same time. A major opinion poll’s results were released which demonstrated that fully two-thirds of post 9/11 veterans now think the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan “weren’t worth fighting.”That’s a remarkable, and distressing, statistic and one that should give America’s president, legislators, media, and people as a whole, serious pause. Not that it will, mind you, but it should! It’s doubtful that US military combat vets – who are more rural, southern, and conservative than the population at large – have ever so incontrovertibly turned on a war, at least since the very end of Vietnam.

On one level I felt a sense of vindication for my longtime antiwar stances when I read about the study – in the Military Times no less. But that was just ego. Within minutes I was sad, inconsolably and completely melancholy. Because if, as a “filibuster-proof” majority of my fellow veterans (and maybe even our otherwise unhinged president) believes, the Iraq and Afghan wars weren’t worth the sacrifice, then consider the unsettling implications. It would mean, for starters, that the US flushed nearly $5.9 trillion in hard-earned taxpayer cash down the toilet. It means that 7,000 American soldiers and upwards of 244,000 foreign civilians needn’t have lost their ever precious lives. Hundreds of thousands more might not have been injured or maimed. 21 million people wouldn’t have become refugees. The world, so to speak, could’ve been a safer, better place.

Those ever-so-logical conclusions should dismay even the most apathetic American. They should make us all rather sad, but, more importantly, should inform future decisions about the use of military force, the role of America in the world, and just how much foreign policy power to turn over to presidents. Because if we, collectively, don’t learn from our country’s eighteen year, tragic saga, then this republic is, without exaggeration, finished, once and for all. Benjamin Franklin, that confounding Founding Father, wasn’t sure the American people could be trusted to “keep” the republic he and other elites formed. It’d be a devastating catastrophe to prove him right, especially in this time of rising right-wing, strongman populism in the Western world.

So consider this a plea to Congress, to the corporate media establishment, and to all of you: when even traditionally more conservative and martial military veterans raise the antiwar alarm – listen! And next time the American war drums beat, and they undoubtedly will, consider this article encouragement to do what Keith and I promised way back when. Object! Refuse to fight the next ill-advised and unethical war. Remember: to do so demonstrates brotherhood and love. Love of each other and love of country…

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. 
Frank Zappa

As is usual, Frank nailed it. As proof, all that needs to be done is look at the current (mal)administration scurrying around D.C. and the rest of the world spewing blather, bluster and bloviation in defense of the indefensible.

Yeah, there's a war on and it's way older than I am, the latest iteration of it comes in the Cult of Der Trumpenfurher. We really should make sure that this shit ceases by the next election and send this circus to all the various courts for disposition to eat up whatever money he really has. Advice to his lawyers: cash up front.

Wannabe Lord Preznit Dampnuts should have stuck to reality tv and shady real estate doings, he might have gotten away with it for a good while longer. As things stand these days, in the long run, he's Fucked no matter which way he squirms.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving excuse for a human.....

Monday, September 23, 2019

Muck and Ugliness

I need one of those huge Lake Trout, a good 12 to 15 pounder, 'bout 3 foot long or so. There's this clueless asshole who needs a proper Michigan dope-slap for being massively disrespectful of both history and tradition when it involves Mackinac Island.
A fucking 8 car motorcade on the Island?
Par for the course with this gang of (insert your favorite epithet(s) here).
Mike Pence needs to be officially banned from Mackinac Island for the rest of his natural life.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Madness and Insanity

Music is the backbone of my life, here's a wretched display of the Motor City running amok head-first into Lemmy..... Worked out pretty fucking good, eh?

The MC5 happily terrorized people in their short blast back then and we were all happily crazed in support of them!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Mr. Whitehead

This is a guy I have been following on his website for a long time. I asked him if it was ok to repost his stuff on this here wretched mess of a blog and he gave me the green light (even after I warned him about the occasionally offensive rants I indulge in).

Here's one of his recent posts, this is a guy after my own heart....

Monsters with Human Faces: The Tyranny of the Police State Disguised as Law-and-Order

John Whitehead
“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” ― Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Enough already.
Enough with the distractions. Enough with the partisan jousting.
Enough with the sniping and name-calling and mud-slinging that do nothing to make this country safer or freer or more just.
We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny go on for too long.
We are approaching a reckoning.
This is the point, as the poet W. B. Yeats warned, when things fall apart and anarchy is loosed upon the world.
We have seen this convergence before in Hitler’s Germany, in Stalin’s Russia, in Mussolini’s Italy, and in Mao’s China: the rise of strongmen and demagogues, the ascendency of profit-driven politics over deep-seated principles, the warring nationalism that seeks to divide and conquer, the callous disregard for basic human rights and dignity, and the silence of people who should know better.
Yet no matter how many times the world has been down this road before, we can’t seem to avoid repeating the deadly mistakes of the past. This is not just playing out on a national and international scale. It is wreaking havoc at the most immediate level, as well, creating rifts and polarities within families and friends, neighborhoods and communities that keep the populace warring among themselves and incapable of presenting a united front in the face of the government’s goose-stepping despotism.
We are definitely in desperate need of a populace that can stand united against the government’s authoritarian tendencies.
Surely we can manage to find some common ground in the midst of the destructive, disrupting, diverting, discordant babble being beamed down at us by the powers-that-be? After all, there are certain self-evident truths—about the source of our freedoms, about the purpose of government, about how we expect to be treated by those we appoint to serve us in government offices, about what to do when the government abuses our rights and our trust, etc.—that we should be able to agree on, no matter how we might differ politically.
Disagree all you want about healthcare, abortion and immigration—hot-button issues that are guaranteed to stir up the masses, secure campaign contributions and turn political discourse into a circus free-for-all—but never forget that our power as a citizenry comes from our ability to agree and stand united on certain principles that should be non-negotiable.
For instance, for the first time in the nation’s history, it is expected that the federal deficit will surpass $1 trillion this year, not to mention the national debt which is approaching $23 trillion. There’s also $21 trillion in government spending that cannot be accounted for or explained. For those in need of a quick reminder: “A budget deficit is the difference between what the federal government spends and what it takes in. The national debt is the result of the federal government borrowing money to cover years and years of budget deficits.” Right now, the U.S. government is operating in the negative on every front: it’s spending far more than what it makes (and takes from the American taxpayers) and it is borrowing heavily (from foreign governments and Social Security) to keep the government operating and keep funding its endless wars abroad. Meanwhile, the nation’s sorely neglected infrastructure—railroads, water pipelines, ports, dams, bridges, airports and roads—is rapidly deteriorating.
Yet no matter how we might differ about how the government allocates its spending, surely we can agree that the government’s irresponsible spending, which has saddled us with insurmountable debt, is pushing the country to the edge of financial and physical ruin.
That’s just one example of many that shows the extent to which the agents of the American police state are shredding the constitutional fabric of the nation, eclipsing the rights of the American people, and perverting basic standards of decency.
Let me give you a few more.
Having been co-opted by greedy defense contractors, corrupt politicians and incompetent government officials, America’s expanding military empire is bleeding the country dry at a rate of more than $15 billion a month (or $20 million an hour)—and that’s just what the government spends on foreign wars. The U.S. military empire’s determination to police the rest of the world has resulted in more than 1.3 million U.S. troops being stationed at roughly 1000 military bases in over 150 countries around the world. That doesn’t include the number of private contractors pulling in hefty salaries at taxpayer expense. In Afghanistan, for example, private contractors outnumber U.S. troops three to one
No matter how we might differ about the role of the U.S. military in foreign affairs, surely we can agree that America’s war spending and commitment to policing the rest of the world are bankrupting the nation and spreading our troops dangerously thin.
All of the imperial powers amassed by Barack Obama and George W. Bush—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which they might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to operate a shadow government, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability—were inherited by Donald Trump. These presidential powers—acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president—enable past, president and future presidents to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.
Yet no matter how we might differ about how success or failure of past or present presidential administrations, surely we can agree that the president should not be empowered to act as an imperial dictator with permanent powers.
Increasingly, at home, we’re facing an unbelievable show of force by government agents. For example, with alarming regularity, unarmed men, women, children and even pets are being gunned down by twitchy, hyper-sensitive, easily-spooked police officers who shoot first and ask questions later, and all the government does is shrug and promise to do better. Just recently, in fact, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals cleared a cop who aimed for a family’s dog (who showed no signs of aggression), missed, and instead shot a 10-year-old lying on the ground. Indeed, there are countless incidents that happen every day in which Americans are shot, stripped, searched, choked, beaten and tasered by police for little more than daring to frown, smile, question, or challenge an order. Growing numbers of unarmed people are being shot and killed for just standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding something—anything—that police could misinterpret to be a gun, or igniting some trigger-centric fear in a police officer’s mind that has nothing to do with an actual threat to their safety.
No matter how we might differ about where to draw that blue line of allegiance to the police state, surely we can agree that police shouldn’t go around terrorizing and shooting innocent, unarmed children and adults or be absolved of wrongdoing for doing so.
Nor can we turn a blind eye to the transformation of America’s penal system from one aimed at protecting society from dangerous criminals to a profit-driven system that dehumanizes and strips prisoners of every vestige of their humanity. For example, in Illinois, as part of a “training exercise” for incoming cadets, prison guards armed with batons and shields rounded up 200 handcuffed female inmates, marched them to the gymnasium, then forced them to strip naked (including removing their tampons and pads), “bend over and spread open their vaginal and anal cavities,” while male prison guards promenaded past or stood staring. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the entire dehumanizing, demoralizing mass body cavity strip search—orchestrated not for security purposes but as an exercise in humiliation—was legal. Be warned, however: this treatment will not be limited to those behind bars. In our present carceral state, there is no difference between the treatment meted out to a law-abiding citizen and a convicted felon: both are equally suspect and treated as criminals, without any of the special rights and privileges reserved for the governing elite. In a carceral state, there are only two kinds of people: the prisoners and the prison guards.
No matter how we might differ about where to draw the line when it comes to prisoners’ rights, surely we can agree that no one—woman, man or child—should be subjected to such degrading treatment in the name of law and order.
In Washington, DC, in contravention of longstanding laws that restrict the government’s ability to deploy the military on American soil, the Pentagon has embarked on a secret mission of “undetermined duration” that involves flying Black Hawk helicopters over the nation’s capital, backed by active-duty and reserve soldiers. In addition to the increasing militarization of the police—a de facto standing army—this military exercise further acclimates the nation to the sight and sounds of military personnel on American soil and the imposition of martial law.
No matter how we might differ about the deference due to those in uniform, whether military or law enforcement, surely we can agree that America’s Founders had good reason to warn against the menace of a national police force—a.k.a. a standing army—vested with the power to completely disregard the Constitution.
We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, disguised as “the better good,” marketed as benevolence, enforced with armed police, and carried out by an elite class of government officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions. For example, in Pennsylvania, a school district is threatening to place children in foster care if parents don’t pay their overdue school lunch bills. In Florida, a resident was fined $100,000 for a dirty swimming pool and overgrown grass at a house she no longer owned. In Kentucky, government bureaucrats sent a cease-and-desist letter to a church ministry, warning that the group is breaking the law by handing out free used eyeglasses to the homeless. These petty tyrannies inflicted on an overtaxed, overregulated, and underrepresented populace are what happens when bureaucrats run the show, and the rule of law becomes little more than a cattle prod for forcing the citizenry to march in lockstep with the government.
No matter how we might differ about the extent to which the government has the final say in how it flexes it power and exerts its authority, surely we can agree that the tyranny of the Nanny State—disguised as “the better good,” marketed as benevolence, enforced with armed police, and inflicted on all those who do not belong to the elite ruling class that gets to call the shots— should not be allowed to pave over the Constitution.
At its core, this is not a debate about politics, or constitutionalism, or even tyranny disguised as law-and-order. This is a condemnation of the monsters with human faces that have infiltrated our government.
For too long now, the American people have rationalized turning a blind eye to all manner of government wrongdoing—asset forfeiture schemes, corruption, surveillance, endless wars, SWAT team raids, militarized police, profit-driven private prisons, and so on—because they were the so-called lesser of two evils.
Yet the unavoidable truth is that the government has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug traffickingsex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity.
No matter how you rationalize it, the lesser of two evils is still evil.
So how do you fight back?
How do you fight injustice? How do you push back against tyranny? How do you vanquish evil?
You don’t fight it by hiding your head in the sand.
We have ignored the warning signs all around us for too long.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the government has ripped the Constitution to shreds and left us powerless in the face of its power grabs, greed and brutality.
What we are grappling with today is a government that is cutting great roads through the very foundations of freedom in order to get after its modern devils. Yet the government can only go as far as “we the people” allow.
Therein lies the problem.
The consequences of this failure to do our due diligence in asking the right questions, demanding satisfactory answers, and holding our government officials accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law has pushed us to the brink of a nearly intolerable state of affairs.
Intolerable, at least, to those who remember what it was like to live in a place where freedom, due process and representative government actually meant something. Having allowed the government to expand and exceed our reach, we now find ourselves on the losing end of a tug-of-war over control of our country and our lives.
The hour grows late in terms of restoring the balance of power and reclaiming our freedoms, but it may not be too late. The time to act is now, using all methods of nonviolent resistance available to us.
“Don’t sit around waiting for the two corrupted established parties to restore the Constitution or the Republic,” Naomi Wolf once warned. Waiting and watching will get us nowhere fast.
If you’re watching, you’re not doing.
Easily mesmerized by the government’s political theater—the endless congressional hearings and investigations that go nowhere, the president’s reality show antics, the warring factions, the electoral drama—we have become a society of watchers rather than activists who are distracted by even the clumsiest government attempts at sleight-of-hand.
It’s time for good men and women to do something. And soon.
Wake up and take a good, hard look around you. Start by recognizing evil and injustice and tyranny for what they are. Stop being apathetic. Stop being neutral. Stop being accomplices. Stop being distracted by the political theater staged by the Deep State: they want you watching the show while they manipulate things behind the scenes. Refuse to play politics with your principles. Don’t settle for the lesser of two evils.
As British statesman Edmund Burke warned, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing.”
WC: 2502
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People  is available at Whitehead can be contacted at
Publication Guidelines / Reprint Permission
John W. Whitehead’s weekly commentaries are available for publication to newspapers and web publications at no charge. Please contact to obtain reprint permission.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Reparations, eh?

There's been a good bit of press surrounding Ta Nehisi Coate's calls for "reparations" for the descendants of slaves here in America, been going on for a while now. Every time I see this somewhere in my news feed, I have the same reaction:

Get. In. Line.

If we want to go down that road (and we should), we are going to have to deal with the out-and-out genocide that was perpetrated against those folks who had been living here for centuries first. Then we can get to the slavery issue.

You don't get to jump to the head of the line just because.....

Friday, June 7, 2019

Doctor John

Mac Rebennac left us yesterday but he leaves an enormous musical legacy, here's a forgotten corner of it.
Just how Bob got him to play on one tune for Against The Wind only he knows, when I first got the album and read the liner notes I was rather jaw-dropped that he got Mac to do the piano on this out-and-out Motor City rocker.
Bob got a Grammy and Mac helped!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Les and Eddie

Weird. Sometimes a song just nails something and you can hear it for decades and it remains relevant.

From "Swiss Movement" done live at Montreaux way back when I was in High School....

Yeah, tryin' to make it real Compared To What?

Friday, May 17, 2019

Once Upon A Time In Atlantic City

Many long years ago when I resided in southeastern Pennsylvania with a decent job and salary to match, me and one of my roomies decided to take advantage of the ubiquitous Casino Bus tours that ran to Atlantic City on a bored weekend just after payday. They left in late afternoon and arrived back well after the bars closed, the general idea was to get as blasted as possible while somebody else did the driving.... this was long enough ago that you could smoke and drink on the bus legally and we took full advantage of it. Upon arriving, with a fistfull of freebie coupons, we took to the boardwalk in search of a place to quietly consume a pipe or two of weed before entering the garish mayhem of Der Trumpenfurher's palace of delusions to use said coupons for food and drink.

A thing to understand here, we both understood statistics and only took as much cash as we could afford to throw away, no checkbook, no ATM card. We dove into the lunacy, he took to roulette and dice, I took to blackjack and the end-of-row slots. The idea is, you have to buy in to (maybe) get a return on your investment and when (if you are lucky) you recoup your investment, you pocket it and then play with the casino's money!

Between the two of us, we each walked out, completely hammered on free booze and full of buffet food, with our original stake and something north of 900 bucks as a profit.

Hey, Lord Preznit Dampnuts, might not seem like much but, we beat your sorry ass fucking casino like a borrowed mule. All these years later, it puts a big smile on my face to be able to say that we made money off the Scrofulous Boor!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Four Twenty

Read a post from the Rude Pundit a little while back where he described the (alleged) humans in and around around 1600 as "cockmites, twatfleas and sphincterworms".

Yeah, as rude as you can get....

This whole "administration" is a seething mass of putrescent corruption, too bad we will have to wait for the next election to shovel dirt on its grave. Impeachment is the Constitutional remedy for dealing with what we currently are suffering from but it is pretty much an impossibility with McTurtle in the Senate busily nibbling the McDingleberries off the scrofulous boor's bloated, wrinkled asscrack.

Was reminded of the wisdom of the good Doctor in something I read referencing the Watergate tapes and his reaction to it:

“Only a terminal cynic,” wrote Hunter S. Thompson about the Watergate tapes, “can listen for any length of time to the real stuff without feeling a compulsion to do something like drive down to the White House and throw a bag of live rats over the fence.”
Only problem would be getting enough rats and bagging several hundred thousand of them. The volunteers to do the throwing is pretty well limitless at this point in time...

Friday, January 25, 2019

Snoop and the Skunk.

Snoop was a Walker Hound my buddy owned when we lived up in the mountains many long years ago, head-high to my waist and (generally speaking) an abysmally stupid canine who was mortally offended by the mere existence of porcupines. I've no idea how much money Rick spent on vet bills over time, this fucker would come out of an encounter covered from one end to the other with quills. The porkie was a dead bloody wreck but the dog (although alive) was a mess; Rick became increasingly exasperated as time went by and the vet bill got bigger.

The one time we saw Snoop actually show some intelligence left us in hysterics and it wasn't a porcupine, it was a skunk. We were all out in the back yard doing a barbecue one summer night when Snoop let off with that unmistakable Hound Bark out in front of the house; naturally, we went out front to see just what kind of mayhem Snoop was into. What we saw unfold forever changed my opinion of that dog. He had a skunk in a nose-to-nose confrontation and would not let the ass end spray him, he circled that thing until the stink gland ran out of juice (and you could see the cloud in the streetlight) then put the chomp on it. Talk about "Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road" - you could still smell it the next morning....

Which brings me to current events.

Snoop was, far and away, more intelligent than the scrofulous boor currently stinking up 1600. Unlike Snoop, this fool actively goes out looking for political skunks to ass-fuck and he is (admittedly) good at it. The stench is astonishing and he seems to think each time he gets sprayed is some kind of victory.....

It'll take some time to fumigate the White House but, I have no doubt we are up to it.

Monday, January 7, 2019

It's Time To....

A whole bunch of folks in the political world got their collective panties in a bunch because the newly sworn in US Representative for a Detroit district used a particular word that got captured on video. I laughed my ass off in remembrance of another recording of the same word....  1968 at the Grande Ballroom on one of the wildest live albums ever released.

Rashida Tlaib is continuing a long-standing history of the Motor City's outspoken, in your face method of dealing with fools and assholes. Keep it up!

The Battle Cry:


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Harpy Gnu Yeer.

Made one of those wretched resolutions.

I've been a stoned, drunk, opinionated, obnoxious asshole for many decades and see no need to change. My resolution is to step it up for the new year. We need more weird in this era of Der Trumpenfurher because it's what can finally defeat the astonishing levels of rotten stench emanating from the top of our "government" in this foul year of our lord 2019...

I've written some weird shit here for a lotta fucking years and it seems to me that, in this new year, I want to get out there with some even fouler noise than in the past..... One of the cool things about the last election is that the scrofulous boor squatting at 1600 is gonna get an industrial sewer-pipe sized political colonoscopy without benefit of sedatives from the incoming crew. The next year or so are going to be interesting times.....

Couldn't happen to a more deserving (alleged) human being.