Saturday, April 20, 2019

Four Twenty

Read a post from the Rude Pundit a little while back where he described the (alleged) humans in and around around 1600 as "cockmites, twatfleas and sphincterworms".

Yeah, as rude as you can get....

This whole "administration" is a seething mass of putrescent corruption, too bad we will have to wait for the next election to shovel dirt on its grave. Impeachment is the Constitutional remedy for dealing with what we currently are suffering from but it is pretty much an impossibility with McTurtle in the Senate busily nibbling the McDingleberries off the scrofulous boor's bloated, wrinkled asscrack.

Was reminded of the wisdom of the good Doctor in something I read referencing the Watergate tapes and his reaction to it:

“Only a terminal cynic,” wrote Hunter S. Thompson about the Watergate tapes, “can listen for any length of time to the real stuff without feeling a compulsion to do something like drive down to the White House and throw a bag of live rats over the fence.”
Only problem would be getting enough rats and bagging several hundred thousand of them. The volunteers to do the throwing is pretty well limitless at this point in time...

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