Friday, October 25, 2019

Trumpism delenda est

That oldie about ancient Carthage now has a modern application. It ain't just the scrofulous boor, it's the entire cult that needs to be destroyed in order for any hope of continuing this little experiment in self-governing our ancestors set up way back in the 1700's. The way they wrote the Constitution gives us the means and methods to correct any maladministration that may come upon our country and we need to exercise that power to its fullest extent in this situation.  We dumped rule by a "king" because of the way that he treated our ancestors, why the fuck should we put up with a wannabe pint-sized shitty businessman with delusions of adequacy in the here-and-now?

I'm not under any illusions that impeachment is possible, what with Moscow Mitch McTurtle sitting atop the Senate like some hateful rabid warthog spewing toxic vomit on anybody that has the temerity to even suggest that Der Trumpenfurher is anything but the finest, the most bigly, Dear Leader our benighted country deserves.

We can do much better going forward, Trumpism delenda est is the starting point and one of the keys to that future is in the hands of all of us that are registered Independents. We can crater the plans of all of the greedy fuckwads that were unleashed when the Supreme Court legalized outright bribery and corruption in our politics if we stand up and jam the STOP sign up their asses hard enough to cause so much internal bleeding that death is the only possible outcome.

What was that thing attributed to Ben Franklin when asked what they gave us.... "A Republic, if you can keep it."

Time for some housekeeping.

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