Friday, May 17, 2019

Once Upon A Time In Atlantic City

Many long years ago when I resided in southeastern Pennsylvania with a decent job and salary to match, me and one of my roomies decided to take advantage of the ubiquitous Casino Bus tours that ran to Atlantic City on a bored weekend just after payday. They left in late afternoon and arrived back well after the bars closed, the general idea was to get as blasted as possible while somebody else did the driving.... this was long enough ago that you could smoke and drink on the bus legally and we took full advantage of it. Upon arriving, with a fistfull of freebie coupons, we took to the boardwalk in search of a place to quietly consume a pipe or two of weed before entering the garish mayhem of Der Trumpenfurher's palace of delusions to use said coupons for food and drink.

A thing to understand here, we both understood statistics and only took as much cash as we could afford to throw away, no checkbook, no ATM card. We dove into the lunacy, he took to roulette and dice, I took to blackjack and the end-of-row slots. The idea is, you have to buy in to (maybe) get a return on your investment and when (if you are lucky) you recoup your investment, you pocket it and then play with the casino's money!

Between the two of us, we each walked out, completely hammered on free booze and full of buffet food, with our original stake and something north of 900 bucks as a profit.

Hey, Lord Preznit Dampnuts, might not seem like much but, we beat your sorry ass fucking casino like a borrowed mule. All these years later, it puts a big smile on my face to be able to say that we made money off the Scrofulous Boor!

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