Friday, August 21, 2015

Let them (not) eat cake

I've had gay/lesbian friends for decades and have watched this whole recent uproar over wedding cakes with a great deal of consternation and wonderment at the wretched misunderstanding that is abundantly obvious to me, can't understand just what is so fucking complicated here....

I'm going to set aside the usual religious bigotry that is quite evident on the part of the Jesus Taliban types who are so damn exercised about baking a cake for Joe and Dave or Melissa and Jennifer, that's been covered quite well already.

What bothers me is why don't the couple just say "Ok, we'll take our business elsewhere." 

Then, they can pass the word about the bigot bakery and then they will lose business in the long run. This is a useless and stupid thing to be bothered with and can be governed by market forces instead of making a court case out of it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:


Let these fools live their lives in their own way, there are much larger battles to be fought than a petty argument over a fucking cake....

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