Sunday, August 16, 2015


Well, I've had about enough.

I've decided to coin a new acronym to describe the current crop of weird people:

CHristians In Name Only    CHINO

My family has a long (as in many generations going back to the late 1700's) tradition with the Congregational Church here in the USA and I can say with certainty (because she told me so) that my mother viewed the people who started the current "evangelical" movement that the Republican Party has so shamelessly colluded with as a gang of opportunistic fakes. (I'm being kind here, she had some pretty strong opinions about this for a lifelong supporter of the Republican Party)

What they are peddling is not Christian, it is a perversion of everything my family (and my family's tradition) held dear and it's about time that the rest of the world became aware of the evil that is being perpetrated in that name.

Enough Is Enough

It's time to denounce these evil fuckers for just what they really are:



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