Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The. Best. Ever.

This is what can happen when you wander the web....

It has become absolutely predictable, every year 'round this time somebody, somewhere, puts up a JEEEESUS display of some kind in the wrong place and the other side promptly makes a fuss, followed by another fuss in return, ad nauseam...

I offer you this as the most innovative and appropriate response I've ever encountered:

  • Festivus celebration to take place at Utica fire station

  • If you're into airing grievances and displaying feats of strength, then the Utica Fire Department's Shepherd Place fire station might be the place for you Tuesday.
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    • S. Alexander Gerould 
      Posted Dec. 22, 2014 @ 1:05 pm 

      If you're into airing grievances and displaying feats of strength, then the Utica Fire Department's Shepherd Place fire station might be the place for you.
      People are expected to gather in front of the station at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Shepherd Place and Sunset Avenue, to celebrate Festivus, a fictional holiday made famous on the popular sitcom “Seinfeld.”
      “Utica is a diverse city with many different beliefs and religions,” said Kevin Nugent, an organizer of the event, in a news release. “We want to ensure that all faiths are represented on government property, as well as share our faith with the city of Utica.”
      Today's event comes as a homemade sign reading “Happy Birthday Jesus we love you” displayed in front of the station has received national attention from a variety of media outlets and has drawn criticism from the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation, which sent a letter to Mayor Robert Palmieri asking him to direct Fire Chief Russell Brooks to remove the sign immediately.
      Brooks, meanwhile, said that he would take the sign down "right after the first of the year."
      Festivus was made popular by the character Frank Costanza in a 1997 episode of “Seinfeld.” The holiday came about after Costanza became upset with materialism and commercialization during the holiday season, and it gives people the chance to air their grievances and take part in a wrestling match.
      During today's event, the Festivus-celebrators plan to present a Festivus Pole - a staple of the holiday's celebration - to the department to be placed alongside the birthday sign, according to the press release.
      The pole will be crafted out of Utica Club beer cans to demonstrate hometown pride.
      The group also is calling for other local religions to request the fire department post signs representing their faiths to foster feelings of unity and togetherness in the city during the holiday season, according to the release.
      On Monday, Brooks said two groups of carolers visited the station recently and many people have been stopping by the station to wish the firefighters well and have been leaving cards.
      “I am amazed at the attention this little sign is getting,” he said.

    • Read more: http://www.uticaod.com/article/20141222/News/141229888#ixzz3MlAVAGiF

      Heh, what better way to throw a move on your opponent, right?

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