Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Suggestion...

Our country has undergone a significant and horrific change over the course of my lifetime, the product of said change is now on full display when it used to be buried in the local newspaper's (remember them?) weekly "Police Blotter" due to the acceleration of technology in communications. The head (apparently up his own ass) of the NYPD union decided to put his supreme arrogance on public display over the Mayor's supposed responsibility for the senseless killing of two of his officers by an apparent nut-job from out of state, thereby doing his level best to hurl a 55 gallon drum of gasoline onto an already flaming situation.

I have something of a suggestion to address this and it was brought to my mind by everybody's favorite Koch-Whore, that wretched fuckstick who currently occupies the Governor's office in Wisconsin, Scott Walker. He famously (and successfully) went after the "public-sector unions" in order to reduce or entirely negate their influence in said state, but, BUT, the police union (to my knowledge) was not included, even though they are also "public-sector" employees. Why not employ the very same tactics to correct this massive oversight on his part? It's long past time to jerk the leash on these purveyors of state-sanctioned violence and bring them to the bar of justice when they commit crimes "Under Color of Authority" and who have now apparently declared war on the city of New York AND the duly elected Mayor of said city.

It's one thing to be an arrogant asshole, it's something light-years different to be an arrogant asshole with a gun and a badge and a free pass to murder at will. There is a strong parallel to the situation ongoing with Wall Street; "Oh, trust us to regulate ourselves!" and look what happens... This ain't over by a long shot and, unless some kind of shift in thinking and behaving occurs, it will likely get bloodier, mostly from the police side because they have the firepower and the license to kill.

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