Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thankful with a story.....

I haven't posted in a good long while as my "outrage" button done gone got mashed flat.... However, things are slowly being better.

Thanksgiving Day has a particular tradition in my world, one that has been a staple on FM radio no matter where I was in any given place on the continent, at some point you were going to hear Arlo Guthrie tell his completely deranged story about littering and the draft. 

I got to do a Thanksgiving radio show one time 30-some years ago, had a pair of huge JBL studio monitors that I pushed pretty fucking hard while I played it ( with a huge, drug-addled grin on my face while singing along ) and I am eternally thankful that so many folks celebrate this way.

I'm fucking well sure Arlo does too....

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

old tunes

 I had my entire life upended by the suicide of one of my very best friends in the winter of 1994, I spent the following five months living in a tent up in the Uintah Mountains of northern Utah and then, on a whim, took a job in Yallerstoned National Park where I spent the next decade. One of the huge benefits of that came about because of that was I got exposed to a massive amount of music new to me. Widespread Panic, Phish, Southern Culture On The Skids, String Cheese Incident, Leftover Salmon, the list is extensive.

The one band that I learned about back then that still makes me grin is an outfit from Chicago, Sonia Dada. This is their live album (with horns!)  that stands the test of time. Gospel, Jazz, R&B light a fire that never quits.... These fuckers never stopped and blew the walls out of wherever they played.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

An Epic Slam

I flat fucking refuse to watch any episode of The Wizened Orange Horror on the news, I value my sanity far too highly for that. But apparently he outdid himself (an admittedly low bar) in an interview with an Australian journalist over the past weekend, things went off the rails rather quickly thereafter....

Common Dreams put up a review that does the memory of George Carlin proud:

My favorite quote from it:

The widespread, horrified consensus of his performance: "It’s definitely not a train wreck for Trump. It’s more a train wreck crashing into another train wreck in the middle of a tsunami as the earth spins off its axis and flies directly into Satan’s gaping asshole."

Monday, April 20, 2020

HL forgot a couple words....

H.L. Mencken missed adding a couple of words due (I suspect) to never imagining just how bad things could get....

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

I'd add a couple more M words: "malignant" as well as "mendacious" and that gets a whole fuckton closer to the reality we live in.

I'll add one of my own as a companion to what he wrote all those years ago to describe the moron currently squatting on 1600:

"The cognitive capacity of a crippled amoeba, the morals of a New York City sewer rat and all the warmth and compassion of a cinder block in a snowbank."

Thursday, February 13, 2020

One Of These Days....

....I'm Going To Cut You Into Little Pieces.

From a long time ago, my wish for the cult of Der Trumpenfurher.

I got to see them exactly once as a punk-ass kid in 1972 when the Meddle album was brand new in Detroit, 5 hours of surround-sound mayhem in Ford Auditorium, just Pink Floyd. Spent the evening completely stoned out of my head. This vid is from the same time frame but filmed at Pompeii. Essentially, this was the same stage setup with the addition of multiple speakers surrounding both the main floor and the balcony, fucking earthquake-level sound.....

We almost got there, now we gotta finish the gig. Trumpism Delenda Est.

Here's Echoes from the same concert, you can see the full array of gear that they used when I saw them:

Astonishingly loud and crystal-clear sound.....

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Neil's Gone

High School stuff. Detroit was right next door to those deranged canucks and they could kick some musical ass.
My favorite, from "All The World's A Stage"

Playing at home in Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada. Neil displays all the thunder he was rightfully famous for on 2112.

You will never be forgotten.