Friday, January 25, 2019

Snoop and the Skunk.

Snoop was a Walker Hound my buddy owned when we lived up in the mountains many long years ago, head-high to my waist and (generally speaking) an abysmally stupid canine who was mortally offended by the mere existence of porcupines. I've no idea how much money Rick spent on vet bills over time, this fucker would come out of an encounter covered from one end to the other with quills. The porkie was a dead bloody wreck but the dog (although alive) was a mess; Rick became increasingly exasperated as time went by and the vet bill got bigger.

The one time we saw Snoop actually show some intelligence left us in hysterics and it wasn't a porcupine, it was a skunk. We were all out in the back yard doing a barbecue one summer night when Snoop let off with that unmistakable Hound Bark out in front of the house; naturally, we went out front to see just what kind of mayhem Snoop was into. What we saw unfold forever changed my opinion of that dog. He had a skunk in a nose-to-nose confrontation and would not let the ass end spray him, he circled that thing until the stink gland ran out of juice (and you could see the cloud in the streetlight) then put the chomp on it. Talk about "Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road" - you could still smell it the next morning....

Which brings me to current events.

Snoop was, far and away, more intelligent than the scrofulous boor currently stinking up 1600. Unlike Snoop, this fool actively goes out looking for political skunks to ass-fuck and he is (admittedly) good at it. The stench is astonishing and he seems to think each time he gets sprayed is some kind of victory.....

It'll take some time to fumigate the White House but, I have no doubt we are up to it.

Monday, January 7, 2019

It's Time To....

A whole bunch of folks in the political world got their collective panties in a bunch because the newly sworn in US Representative for a Detroit district used a particular word that got captured on video. I laughed my ass off in remembrance of another recording of the same word....  1968 at the Grande Ballroom on one of the wildest live albums ever released.

Rashida Tlaib is continuing a long-standing history of the Motor City's outspoken, in your face method of dealing with fools and assholes. Keep it up!

The Battle Cry:


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Harpy Gnu Yeer.

Made one of those wretched resolutions.

I've been a stoned, drunk, opinionated, obnoxious asshole for many decades and see no need to change. My resolution is to step it up for the new year. We need more weird in this era of Der Trumpenfurher because it's what can finally defeat the astonishing levels of rotten stench emanating from the top of our "government" in this foul year of our lord 2019...

I've written some weird shit here for a lotta fucking years and it seems to me that, in this new year, I want to get out there with some even fouler noise than in the past..... One of the cool things about the last election is that the scrofulous boor squatting at 1600 is gonna get an industrial sewer-pipe sized political colonoscopy without benefit of sedatives from the incoming crew. The next year or so are going to be interesting times.....

Couldn't happen to a more deserving (alleged) human being.