Friday, November 11, 2016

Morons in my time

I never thought I would see the day this quote would come true:

"As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

H. L. Mencken
The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Just vote, folks.

I went down the hill to the township office, chatted with the locals and sent off my tiny contribution to this exceedingly fucked up mess.

I hope that things work out but I have my doubts, I live in a very quiet corner of the country but, in other locales, things may get out of hand....

Damn, and to think I survived Richard Nixon only to be confronted with a serious shit sandwich in my old age.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

We Be Trapped....

I've seen some pretty hideous shit in American politics over the decades, this one is exceptional.

It's kinda like being trapped in an elevator, but you actually get a choice between two companions.

The first one promptly lets out a resounding belch of last night's beer and then follows up with a finely-ripened broccoli blast of digestive methane.

The next one, as soon as the doors close and the elevator begins its descent, promptly begins projectile-vomiting in any given direction and then has a violent spasm of explosive diarrhea.

Yeah, we be pretty well fucked, no matter what.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bill Moyers

For anybody who has the time for serious brain food, one of my favorite thinkers (right there with Wendell Berry) in contemporary life, here's a link to a long read from Bill Moyers....

Take your time, stretch your mind and enjoy.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dan Doran

Dan has left the house, one of Kansas City's musical geniuses on the keyboards....

He sent me a disc of "bring it on home" almost a decade ago, put it up on youtube with help:

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rude, Crude and Socially Unacceptable

This is intentional. I want to be as disgusting as I possibly can when it comes to Presidential politics in this foul year of Our Lord 2016 (thanks, Hunter).

Yeah, we really should elect a woman as the head of our government here in the good ol' USA but..... Why the fuck is it gonna be Frozen Twat Hildebeast? This is a woman (?) with a proven record of deception, mayhem and outright pandering to the same financial fuckwads that her hubby unleashed when Glass-Steagall got trashed.

This is a woman (?) who would get down on her knees behind the podium at the United Nations and lick the dingleberries off the hairs of Bennie Nutty Yahoo's asscrack just before she slurped down the spew from his engorged cock and then hand him a gazillion dollar check and a free pass to further wreck the Palestinian folks hopes for any kind of dignified life, free from marginalization and persecution.

This is a woman (?) who lies every bit as much as the Trumpsterfire that she will probably face off against in November, she is just a tad more subtle about said lies and has the means to get away with all of it because of the collusion from many (bought) members of the media.

This is one of the most dangerous warmongers that we have ever considered for that office; the Democratic Party that I once supported as folks who wanted to reduce world-wide conflict has transmogrified into a bloodthirsty bitch who will, undoubtedly, make billions of dollars for her corporate masters in the defense (?) industry and see countless human lives destroyed because of her insatiable quest for power.

My country is looking into the abyss.

I ain't EVER gonna give that wretched cunt my vote and, if the alternative is the Trumpsterfire, I'm gonna write in Hunter Stockton Thompson for Prez and Pat Buchanan for V.P.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

When Time Becomes A Loop

Orbital, from '71:

Worf talking... then Data.

Crazed electronica from the old days....

Friday, January 8, 2016


This is a legend I've been searching for on the 'net for the past ten years, I finally found it.
Done in Hollywood way back in 1970 for Public Television, Leon Russell and his merry band of musical miscreants:

The Real Deal