Friday, May 16, 2014

An Apology

After all these years of random explosions about the Jesus Taliban, I find myself in the mood for an apology.

This all started because Bill Nye (The Science Guy) decided to lower himself (and science by proxy) to the level of Ken Ham and this "young earth" creationism/intelligent design delusion in that sort-of, maybe-in-another-definition, public relations clusterfuck "debate" thing. In the ensuing (and entirely predictable) uproar, the Reverend Pat Robertson has stepped into the breach and messed up all of my previously well-learned opinions of him. As one of the leading voices advocating theocratic fascism in America, I have come to expect nothing but sheer tyranny By God (in Jesus name) out of him.

Not once, but twice in recent days, I have read stories of Pat speaking at different times and on different broadcasts, to the issue of "young earth" creationism on his flagship television program and, in no uncertain terms, deny this stuff has any validity. The last time I checked, the indefatigable Mr. Ham is calling out Reverend Robertson to "debate" the issue. Something like a Jesus Cage Match, complete with refreshments (insert tacky sacrament joke here).

Hey, Pat.... I'll take back at least a significant percentage of all those things I've thought/spoken/written about you and your particular breed of weirdness lo these many years as long as you tell Ken Ham that you refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

You have done a great deal to redeem yourself with your staunch defense of reality in this particular instance, please don't screw it up by emulating Bill Nye.

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