Saturday, November 5, 2011

An Experiment

Change of privacy settings, now anybody can read this fucker.

I'm gonna give it a while and see what happens, if I feel like it, I'll switch back to the old privacy settings. The web is so wide open that it has always given me a bad case of the squealing bejeebers about letting my admittedly wretched weirdness escape beyond the notice of my like-minded compadres into the swirling cesspool out in the great beyond.

Willful Ignorance

What a mess.
I read as widely as I can and listen pretty carefully to the world around me and I'm now crossing over from exasperated to seriously pissed off.... There was a time when my maternal grandparents were alive and well that my world held promise of better things to come - in fits and starts I have been witness to a great unravelling of the sweater of life. Pick one thread, start pulling on it and, pretty soon, the whole thing disintegrates into chaos.
Our world is on the verge of a great change - greed, ignorance and warfare seem to be the dominant themes currently and what comes after is anybody's guess. The MoneyFreaks who think they run the show are in for a rude awakening, what they have is a fictional delusion sustained by nothing.... When it all falls down, the rest of humanity either grows up or dies.
I might be an old guy but, all things being what they really are, I'd like to stay alive a bit longer to see if I can help make something better out of the inevitable wreckage......