Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ugly, mean and stupid.
What ever happened to this crazy experiment of over two hundred years? The United States of America is now in hock to the rest of the world as we simultaneously prosecute two (or more) wars for no good reason.....
Somewhere way back when, I used to count myself as a proud citizen of the USA but something seems to have happened along the line.

No matter what, I will live my life with an eye towards kindness, an ear towards harmony and hearing for voices of truth. Too fucking weird, eh? What the fuck has happened?

I still like what Professor Bernardo DeLaPaz had to say in Heinlein's novel "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" about rational anarchy. Let's all be individually responsible for our lives and actions, consequences brought right down to the personal level.

So, my personal level. I quit. This ugliness being perpetrated in the guise of "The USA" has absolutely no connection to me except by accident of my birthplace and is in no way sanctioned, approved or encouraged by me. I disavow, repudiate and condemn everything that our "government" is foisting off on the rest of the world under the pretense of empty words that only seem to foster misery for the many and profit for the few.

Never in my life. all of a half-century or so, have I felt so ashamed and disgusted to bear witness to such folly and outright craziness. If this country is to make a mark for the good instead of falling to the depredations of the greedy few we had better get busy!

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