Thursday, February 13, 2020

One Of These Days....

....I'm Going To Cut You Into Little Pieces.

From a long time ago, my wish for the cult of Der Trumpenfurher.

I got to see them exactly once as a punk-ass kid in 1972 when the Meddle album was brand new in Detroit, 5 hours of surround-sound mayhem in Ford Auditorium, just Pink Floyd. Spent the evening completely stoned out of my head. This vid is from the same time frame but filmed at Pompeii. Essentially, this was the same stage setup with the addition of multiple speakers surrounding both the main floor and the balcony, fucking earthquake-level sound.....

We almost got there, now we gotta finish the gig. Trumpism Delenda Est.

Here's Echoes from the same concert, you can see the full array of gear that they used when I saw them:

Astonishingly loud and crystal-clear sound.....