Things are getting fouler by the moment with no end in sight. We have this guy, wannabe dick-tater, smegma in a suit, wandering across the globe being a total, complete degenerate mental cripple. I mean, this is mouldering crotch cheese dribbling some seriously putrescent poison onto the entire planet....
This calls for drastic measures. These "hearings" in the House are not anywhere near what needs to happen for reality-based folks to get a handle on shit, time for a corncob colonoscopy with ground glass suspended in a sewage lagoon slurry as a lubricant for the tattered remains of the rethuglikan party so as to put it out of our misery. Kentucky needs to step up and push Moscow Mitch into the sewage lagoon along with a whole pile of other dim bulbs in both the Senate and House from a wide variety of other states.
Then we can get onto the democraptic party and do the same, we need to exorcise the Hildebeast and all of her foul minions in order to prevent more damage to the world going forward.
However, first things first, demolish Smegma In A Suit before it lethally befouls the planet with its stench.