Friday, July 28, 2017

Meat Pole

Many, many human generations ago things got weird and we, in the present day, are victims of this genetic abnormality that has mutated into something awful.

See, there was this sheepherder all by his lonesome in some remote meadow and he got tired of jacking off after he saw this cute, curly-haired lamb flicking her tail and giving him that look. Being that there were no other humans around to witness said weirdness, he gave it a go and put the meat pole in the syphilis hole.

After he got back around human company, he reverted to the natural order of things, thereby releasing brain-rot into the human genome to mutate at random. Multiply this over many long generations and I can now see just where this weirdness landed....

Der Trumpsterfire and all those allegedly sentient humans that constitute his voters/supporters today.

We have fucked up on such a grand scale here in the country of my birth that I fear that I may get old and die before this Mongolian Clusterfuck (thanks, George) finally plays itself out.

We, the citizens of the United States of America, are on notice. Fix it or die as a country.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Fifty Years Ago

I remember.

TV dropped this madness into my life as a kid growing up out in the country north of Detroit and I grew up realizing that we had big problems in our society....

The Fifth Estate was our "underground" newspaper back then, here's a short bit they just published to remember those days and nights of crazy:

And here's the MC5 at the Grande Ballroom with their musical memorial of those few days:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Paybacks, motherfuckers.......

This shit is getting out of hand and, I fucking guarantee, NOBODY in our current media is willing to point out the linkage between our nation's past history and what is happening right now, in this foul year 2017. Even if it comes direct from the venerable CIA after much debate.

They released a trove of documents from the 1953 Iran coup that put that exemplar of human rights, the so-called Shah, in charge of the plunder because they favoured one party over the (democratically elected) other one....

And everybody is all up and howling that Vlad put one over on us?

Paybacks, motherfucker, paybacks....