Sunday, November 9, 2014

That Stuff...

It can be described in various ways...

After you have been out in the back country for a month or longer, it has been described in years past as "Toe Jam" by those removing hiking boots, Frank Zappa called it "Stink Foot" in a song once in the old days....

Also known as the remnants of the (R) party a few days after any off-year election. I take that back... should be "after any election". It might be an interesting exercise of the english language to come up with the entire spectrum of descriptives for that particular disease, unfortunately there isn't enough room for that much weird in the database of this computer.

The thing that is so alarming is the fact that there is a significant enough percentage of the voting public who will punch the spot on a ballot that has "ass-rape" disguised as "republican" on it. I fear for this country when there are enough semi-literate skullfucked fools who can be deceived into returning such mental midgets(and I use the terms mental and midgets with some trepidation in conjunction when writing) to the government year after year.

Oh, well.... Here we go again.


One of those things that provide a slippery slope towards total and complete foolishness.

Hmm.  I somehow managed to make myself an invaluable ally of the weird artifacts that somehow make ghosts inherent in the world that we used to be talking about the other time we ended up in the middle of this word puzzle.